Campaigners Page...

"What' on your list?"

100Things is all about encouraging a positive change in people's attitude to life, and so we're very proud to say that this page is dedicated to our Campaigners who have also decided to conquer their goals AND raise money for our charity; Camp Quality!

Here you will find amazing individuals who have shared their goals and are actively pursuing them with 100Things.

To check out more of their info and even donate to them, just click on their name (names are in alphabetical order).

If you'd like to become a campaigner yourself, please CLICK HERE!

Fitness 2428 "Help Forster Tuncurry lose 1.5 tonnes"


Lauren Abbey "Do more volunteer work"

Chaya Adams "Acquire Strange Qualification"

Tracey B "Take a Pole Dancing Class"

Cody Allen "Be in a Movie"

Michael Basham "Fall asleep while standing up"

Tristan Batchelor "Journey with Dave and Seb"

Gary Bermingham "Jetski from Victoria to Tasmania"


Rachel Betteridge "Make 100 origami cranes"

Laura Bolger "Milk a cow"

Eleanor Borealis "Do a beer bong without it coming out my nose"

Ben Brown "Compete in World Series Poker"

Sara C "Experience Zero Gravity"

Hap Cameron "To live & work in every continent before 30"

Jessica Crowe "Visit the grave of a cultural icon"

Till Dawn

Ali Dawson "Go into space"

Declan "Ride a Unicycle 50 metres"

Denisse Dimitatac "Live, laugh, love, learn"

Grace Dulawan "Meet the Pope"

Chris Flack "Sumo Wrestle"

Stephanie Goldner "Get good grades at university"

David Gonzalez "Shout 'Drinks on me!' at a bar"

Gina Guaragna "Turn my cell phone off a week"

Chris Hancock

Kayla Hawthorne Haynes "Help the Homeless"

Sharon Hiew "Cook a 3-Course meal for my family"

Rhianna Hobbs "Life Drawing Class"

Dion Huel "Play Catch with a Pro Quarterback"

Ailie Jenkins "I have 50 items including saving an animal from a shelter!"

Nic Kaye "Live off the land for 1 Week"

Bryan Kinney "Publish my poetry book"

Vanessa Khimoun-Jourdan "Try Skinny Dipping"

Kathleen Krakowsky "Be in a feature Film"

Alex Leffers "Have Children of my own"

Ebony Lewis "Make a Difference to Someone's Life"

Daniel Logovik "
Transfer from one moving vehicle to another"

Megs "Megsy" Ellis "Dawn Service at Anzac Cove"

Andrew Maciver "Climb Mount Kilimanjaro!"

Kylie McClunie "Shower Under a Waterfall"

Jessica Meadows " Stand on an international date-line"

Amanda Miotto "Read to kids at the library"

Pedro Montesino "Bury a Time-Capsule"

Jo Morrison "Learn to Play Tennis"

Elisabeth Moskosky- "Learn French"

Nessy Nash "Video Interview 1000 people"

Amanda Ortega "Work with victims of domestic violence"

Rodney Owen "Bowl a Perfect 300 game"

Luty Oz "Buy a Stranger a Lottery Ticket"

Lucy Proud "Learn to Skin a Fish"

Courtney Rae "Blind Date"

Sarah Rainey "Audition on Broadway"

Brody Richardson "Finish School"

Mark Rostoks "Complete a Marathon"

Jack Ryan "Not Swear for a Whole 3 Months!"

Michael Saleeba "Volunteer Holiday"

Tina Sanders "Become an Australian Champion at Something"

Tania Sherley "Hot Lap in Ford V8"

Dale Short "Become a DJ by the Age of 17"

Josie Smith "Help Someone Complete Something From Their List"

Heather Snitch "Make a Cake for my Son's 1st Birthday"

Alana Taylor "Sing in a band!"

Ashlee Theedam

Andy Thomas "Be a Yes! Man"

Dave Thomas "Make a Fishing Video for the Family"

Nick Thorpe "Get Back, SAck and Crack Wax"

Emil Tiedemann "Confess Something to Someone"

Janet Touzel "Tornado chasing"

Tara Veitch "Get a Colonic"

Adam Wallace "I will donate $1,000,000 to charity"

Emily Welch "Travel Around the World"

Nathan Woodfall "Keep Every Guitar I Buy"

Gemma Zoe Urban "To go travel"

Adz Wadson "Attend A-List Party"


Leslie Wickens "Go a Movie Premiere dressed as a Character"

Hazel Willis - "To complete a half marathon this year!"

Matt Woods "Speak to people I don't know more"

If you'd like to become a campaigner yourself, please CLICK HERE!

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Northern Beaches Wedding Photography
10% of fees go to CAMP QUALITY